It was a balmy autumn evening on Wednesday along the coast of the southern Fleurieu Peninsula. A cool southerly change with strong winds and rain was on the way but for the moment everything was still and mild.

At Petrel Cove people were fishing, surfing, walking their dogs, taking photos or sitting on rocks looking at the southern ocean. I had neglected to bring any medium format film camera’s with me so I had to make do with the little Sony NEX-7 that I usually carry on the poodle walks. The problem with this camera, apart from the poor ISO performance ( i.e.. noisy high ISO images), is that Sony’s raw files are less versatile than Nikon ones.
The reason is that Sony cameras do not provide lossless 14-bit Raw data like Nikon, Canon and most other manufacturers do. Sony instead uses lossy compression resulting in all around-less malleable files than the competition.