The afternoon walks were usually in the local bushland in Waitpinga as I could drive there and slowly walk through the bushland whilst the poodles raced around me tracking the smells of the rabbits, foxes and kangaroos.
The slow walking in the bushland meant that I could keep my eye out for possible photographic subject matter. The above photo is one such example.
Unfortunately, on one occasion whilst in the bushland my hobbled shuffling caused me to trip heavily over some tree roots. I fell and twisted my back, thereby pushing out my recovery by more than a week or so. So more hobbling walks and visits to the chiropractor.
After about 3 weeks with good chiropractic care I was back walking normally. I continued walking the 2 poodles. for another 3 weeks until Suzanne’s fibula had healed enough for the moonboot to go and she was then able to take one of the poodles on short walks.
It felt strange not using a tripod and camera in the eight weeks during the winter months as these are a good time for large format photography on the Fleurieu Peninsula.