The poodles found this little alleyway in John St in the CBD of Adelaide. I had walked by, even though it is just around the corner from our inner-city townhouse. You see differently when walking the streets with poodles.
The picture indicates how homelessness for mostly single and aboriginal people in Adelaide is hidden and that requests for immediate accommodation cannot be met by homelessness agencies.
This rough sleeping indicates that access to safe and secure housing is not accepted as a basic human rights and the steady decline of social or public housing in spite of the political rhetoric on the issue.
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Telling photo, and respectful – a person down on luck, yet not on the ground, not without a blanket, shelter on the sides and hopefully above – a person we’ve sadly abandoned, yet… all too many would dream of such luxury. Perhaps I’d caption it “Favored by fate” or something along those lines.
The mattress is a chiropractic mattress and it is in good condition.