By Thursday the cold south westerly and easterly winds that had been blowing for the past week had dropped away. By the late afternoon on Thursday it was very still and warm. There was cloud cover and soft light, the tide was very low, and there were no small flies. These were lovely conditions for both a late afternoon walk with Maleko and for me to do a bit of scoping about this place.

I went back on Friday afternoon at the same time of the day to this particular spot with a film camera and tripod. The weather conditions were very similar but I was dismayed to discover that the tide was much higher, and that it was impossible to gain access to this gap in the rocks.
As Maleko and I were returning to the Petrel Cove car park from our afternoon walk on Thursday and photo session we spotted this women photographer on the rocks with tripod, DSLR camera and a big zoom lens.

It looked as if she was photographing waves. We had come across her earlier, when we were walking along the rocks from Petrel Cove on the early part of our walk. Our paths crossed and Maleko wasn’t at all happy to come across someone in his territory. The women photographer was easy going though, Maleko quickly calmed down and we went on our way along the rocks to Dep’s Beach.