The Fleurieuscapes exhibition at Magpie Springs opened on Sunday 17th January.We had a picnic lunch in the grounds of Magpie Springs with friends before the exhibition opening. A good crowd was in attendance for the opening and the atmosphere was convivial and summery. However, as I don’t expect to sell much work from the exhibition, I will be paying off my photography master card for most of this year.
Whilst preparing for the exhibition Kayla and Ari and I walked along the Heysen Trail in the morning to avoid the crowds on the beach. Then Ari and Maleko and I walked along the beach in the afternoon. We stayed away from the Heysen trail in the late afternoon because of the prevalence of the black snakes.
Whilst walking along the Heysen Trail I started to photograph the early morning summer light on the trees and fields. The early morning sun hits the beach and the coast, and when there is no cloud cover and little coastal wind it is hot and not very photographic. The Heysen Trailwas shaded and the sun just peeped through the trees in the early morning before it rose above the trees.
Then I started to explore the second stage of the Fleurieuscape project –the history of the landscape. I eventually got around to starting to photograph the remnants of the roadside vegetation and then the cleared or stripped landscape.