road trips

Now that we are living Victor Harbor we have had to own two cars in order to do things. That means I have a photography car–a Mazda 606– which I can use for my photographic road trips.

This picture of Southern Cross Station in Melbourne was made on an earlier holiday trip with Suzanne and the poodles. We were staying with my sister at Safety Beach on the Mornington Peninsula, and I had gone into the city to do some photography.

Southern Cross Station
Southern Cross Station

This trip gave me the idea of returning to the photo road trip once we had got the two cars that would allow me to be able to do it. Now we have these I can get away. I recently did a trial run to Canberra via Hay last week and I was able to shoot some river gum roots for the Edgeland project that I’d seen whilst walking the poodles on an earlier trip to Canberra.
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architecture in Victor Harbor

Whilst we have been holidaying at Victor Harbor, South Australia, Ari and I have been wandering around the streets of the town on our early morning poodlewalks. The early morning light in winter lightens up the town’s architecture.

Savings Bank of SA
Savings Bank of SA

When walking around this coastal town I can see it changing from a rural/holiday town to a tourist one. It is kept very clean and tidy by the council and it wins tidy town awards.

visiting Kangaroo Island

We have 6 days at American River on Kangaroo Island with friends. The time is spent relaxing, going for walks, reading, taking photos and enjoying the calm and overcast autumn conditions.

Kangaroo Island ferry
Kangaroo Island ferry

Ari and wander around the wetlands between the road and Pelican Lagoon. There is more water around the wetlands because of the very high tides.


I am very constrained with respect to my photography at the moment, as we have an 8 week old silver standard poodle pup that requires a lot of attention to burn off the energy. We have taken a weeks holiday to adjust and are down to Victor Harbor to help ease him into our routines. Despite the high energy the places that we can go to are limited.

Raffi, Victor Harbor
Raffi, Victor Harbor

I’ve pretty much lost the early morning photography as I am walking Raffi along the foreshore to get him used to the life of the seashore whilst Suzanne walks Ari. Then I am walking Ari and Raffi in the early evening.

‘a slight mistake’

A phone call from my pro-lab. There’s been a slight mistake made. We have crossed processed your colour negative film (C-41 process) as slide film (E-6 process). My heart sank. So much time and effort had gone into making those photos. I quickly went down to have a look. The negatives have an image–they’ve been exposed okay and there were no light leaks–but they look very orange.

The picture below was taken on an early morning poodlewalk. A similar one was made with the 5×4.

yellow buoy, American River
yellow buoy, American River

The 5×4 negatives have been given to the pro-lab’s scanning and art department to see if they can be rescued.

it is hot

The day dawned warm and bright. I was down at the jetty area by 6.15am, but the light was already intense, even though the sun had just risen above the hills. The wind was warm rather than cool. The day promised to be unpleasantly hot.

So I just sat on the edge of the jetty and made some sea abstracts, with both digital and medium format film cameras:

sea abstract #1, American River
sea abstract #1, American River

I gave up after 20 minutes as the light was becoming too harsh. It was a pity because the rocks, seagrass and the strong tidal current were providing good possibilities for abstractions.

bird sanctuary walk

American River is charming as well as picturesque and peaceful. It teems with bird life and has interesting, low profile walks along the edge of Eastern Cove. Both the northern (Red Bank) and southern sides (Pennington Beach) of the island are easily accessible.

bird sanctuary walk, American River
bird sanctuary walk, American River

It is a little world unto itself that allows one to relax and unwind. It’s a gem of a place. Yet Kingscote, the main main town, is close by, if and when you need household supplies.

at Kangaroo Island

Our 8 day holiday at Kangaroo Island started yesterday. We left Victor Harbor for Cape Jervis late morning to catch the Sealink ferry over to Kangaroo Island, and we arrived at American River in the mid- afternoon.

Sealink ferry
Sealink ferry

American River, which is on Eastern Cove, is very quiet and laid back. It is a fishing spot (recreational boating and fishing) that is still unspoilt by development. The houses (holiday homes and fishing shacks) are unpretentious, and the place is teeming with bird life–both seashore birds (eg., pelicans) and bush birds (eg. black cockatoos).