I have been travelling up to Adelaide once a week for the day since my return from Melbourne. The trips are centred around going to see the printer at the Atkins Photo Lab to prepare the prints for my abstraction exhibition at The Light Gallery during the SALA Festival in August.
As I have been taking Maleko with me on the day trips that means lots of short walks throughout the day in Adelaide.These are mostly in and around Veale Gardens as I can park the car easily for an hour. Often I do the afternoon walk in Adelaide before I drive back to Victor Harbor. The last time we did this the afternoon walk was in the western parklands and in and around the West Terrace Cemetery.
It has been six months since we did a poodle walk in the Cemetery and little has changed there. What does change is more smashed gravestones and objects placed on the gravestones. This teddy had been placed on one of the gravestones in the Catholic section of the cemetery.
I take a digital and film camera with me but I rarely have an opportunity to use them: the recent day trips have been packed with things/tasks that need to be done, and the light during the day has not been that good. I managed to take a few photos on the last trip as I was able to incorporate a walk in the adjacent Wirranender Park after walking around the West Terrace Cemetery.
I see that some of my photos of the Adelaide parklands that are on Flickr are starting to be used by others.