I’m down at Victor Harbor this weekend going through some of my photos of the region. I reckon that I have enough images on the computer’s hard disc to begin to do something with them. I’m thinking about publishing them as an organized body of work.

I’ve finally taken the plunge and decided to begin work on a DIY book of photos and text of the Fleurieu Peninsula. I’ve started by using the Posterous Spaces publishing platform to kick things off.
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This image is an adjective that describes how a formation of rock can look beautiful, when presented and photographed in the the right light. Simply beautiful, Gary. All the best for your book, too.
Thanks. It was underexposed. When I changed the film back on the Rolleiflex SL66 to go from to black and white I forgot to change the ASA from 160 for colour to 50ASA for b+w. Silly me.