There was a touch of autumn in the air this morning.
It had rained overnight and the clouds were still hanging around the coast at dawn when we started the poodlewalk. I wanted the walk over early because I hoped the clouds would slowly disappear, and I would be able to make a large format photograph of the roadside vegetation landscape at 7.30 am. This had been previously scoped. The gear was in the boot of the car. I just needed the sun to shine at 7.30am.
The sun did emerge from the clouds as we were walking along the beach, so I took a snap or two, and we quickly finished the walk. I drove over to the site on the country road, but I found that, by the time we got there, more clouds had come across the land from the sea. The sun that I needed at 7.30 am to highlight the roadside vegetation wasn’t going to happen that morning. It became more and more cloudy. I gave up on the photoshoot.
It’s definitely autumn weather since the showers came in whilst we were having breakfast on the balcony. The intermittent showers continued throughout the morning. Shorts and t-shirt were replaced with jeans and a light jacket, and we cleaned out the mass of eucalyptus leaves that were filling up the gutters of the house.