Suzanne is now in Cuba before going to Mexico and I’m at home in Encounter Bay looking after the three standard poodles. It is four weeks of walking along back country roads on the morning and evening walks as Ari cannot walk over the rocks along the coast. This is Baum Rd, Waitpinga, which I walk down most mornings when Suzanne is away:
It is a no through road that leads to a couple of farm properties that have become holiday houses. The road side vegetation lessens as we approach the entrance to these properties. The owners are hostile to walkers whilst the local farmers in the area are not very friendly. Rarely do they slow down along these roads and say hello or give a wave.
There is something about being on the land that makes people quite surly and suspicious of strangers. They see you as invading their space, even though I have been doing this for a couple of years now and and never venture off the public roads or the Heysen Trail.
I enjoy walking along Baum Rd because of the early morning light.
I am surprised about unfriendly attitude over in Australia….
Here people are also suspicions if I am photographing on their property, but if I am just walking, they are just curious. Gorgeous light!!!
Its because I am walking the dogs in farming country Pavel. The farmers see the dogs as a threat to their sheep. It is the foxes that get their lambs not my dogs.