As mentioned on the Encounter Studio blog when I am on the recent morning or afternoon poodlewalks I have started looking for suitable subjects that would work as an image when the colour file made with a digital camera is then converted to black and white.
The subjects have usually been granite rocks but of late, I am turning to sand patterns. This is a recent example:
The above image looked very ordinary in colour when I viewed it on the computer screen, in the sense that it was not deserving of a second more considered look. It look more interesting when I converted it to black and white as an experiment.
I walk across these sand patterns most mornings on the coastal walk. I do notice them, but they don’t look anything special photographically speaking, even with the early morning light on them.
I have mostly ignored them up to now, apart from the odd hand held photo with a digital camera. Then I started wondering how they would look when converted to black and white.
So I have started looking down at the sand patterns as I walked along Deps Beach.