Suzanne took us to a section of the Heysen Trail that she’d walked through. The poodles were left in the car as the section of the Heysen Trail that we walked along was Yulte Conservation Park and no dogs are allowed. Suzanne had found this section of of the Heysen Trail attractive compared to the open paddocks of the farming country.
Yulte Conservation Park traverses steep undulating hills south of the town of Myponga, offers panoramic views of the surrounding Myponga Valley and the Sellicks Hill Range country from the higher sections of the walk, and is alive with wildflowers and running creeks in spring.The land was drying out when we visited a few months latter. The creeks were barely running, the wild flowers had pretty much gone, and the scrubby landscape offered little in the way for photography.
The picture of this pile of bricks, for instance, was made outside Yulte Conservation Park. It was household rubbish lying next to the path into the park.
I was a bit disappointed. I had been looking for an area that I could explore photographically over a period of time. Yulte Conservation Park was not it, unfortunately. I also realised that I could not join Suzanne’s Heysen Trail walking group: they are about walking a section of the track, not stopping to take photos or waiting for the right light.