We took a break from our shift to Victor Harbor on Sunday afternoon. We’d had enough of packing up at Sturt St and clearing out the years of accumulated junk at Victor Harbor. So we went for a quick trip to Second Valley on the western Fleurieu Peninsula.
This was the location for the Fleurieu Four Seasons Photography Landscape competition in 2014. You can view the images online, if you register and vote for the People’s Choice Award.
We meet up with Heather Petty at Leonards Mill, and then we walked along the cliffs above the beach at Second Valley with the poodles for an hour or so. The beach was packed with people.
Suzanne, Heather and Maleko continued walking up a step hill whilst Ari and I waited for them on a stoney/rocky beach. Ari’s arthritis means that he can no longer climb hills.
The light was no good for photography–it was either very bright and sunny or flat and ugly. We weren’t able to hang around to 7pm for better photographic conditions. It wasn’t a photo-trip.
After the walk we went and had a drink at Leonards Mill before returning to Victor Harbor. We had a quick barbecue on the balcony before our visitors arrive to stay the night. A bike ride from Victor Harbor to Goolwa and back had been planned by Suzanne for Australia Day.