Cold, wet weather that came in from the south-west replaced the few days of hot weather after my Sonex flight along the coast of the southern Fleurieu Peninsula earlier in the week. The temperature is now roughly half of what it was during that hot spell.
Suzanne and I got very wet on a couple of occasions on our walks — we were caught in the fast moving rain that swept in from the southern ocean whilst out walking with the poodles.

There is little shelter along the coast west of Petrel Cove. On an afternoon walk Maleko and I had little choice but to continue walking and to get wet in the process. At least it was not as cold as it would have been in winter.
I tend to stay away from the coastal walks when the south westerly wind is blowing around 40-50 km/h, and I just wait for the winds to ease. The seas are too rough to hang about amongst the rocks.

I try and avoid the gusty south westerly wind by either walking around the town of Victor Harbor, or walking those back country roads that can provide some shelter from the wind.
Ocean Street, which is the main street of Victor Harbor, looks very bleak on these windy, rainy days. It does not look like a coastal playground at all. The fact that many of the shops along Ocean Street are empty, despite the upgrades to the city scape of this precinct by the Council, just adds to the desolate look of this coastal town.
The wet weather is slowly passing. Though the southwesterly wind is still very gusty, the steady rain has stopped, the sun occasionally appears from behind the overcast skies, and there are now only a few passing showers.